AmigaOS3.5 (743/967)

From:Duane A. Miller
Date:23 May 2000 at 05:39:48
Subject:Re: NewDrive

Hello Colin,

I did what I THINK you said, with one small exception. the 0x001fe00 kept
putting another 0 between the x and 1, so I put another 0 at the end so there
would be 2 0's between the x and the one. It now has the correct number of
gigs in both places, but still no icon's and no joy in either SysInfo or
Opus. I have been using DH5 to DH9 for the partitions names on my old drive
so I could copy the stuff my old old drive had. This time I started with DH0
to DH4, would this make any difference? Thanks again.

On 22-May-00, you wrote:

>Hi , On 23-May-00, Duane A. Miller wrote:
>Hi ,> Hi,
>Hi ,>
>Hi ,> I just bought a new 4.0 gig drive for my 1200 030. I unplugged the
>Hi ,> CD-Rom drive and replaced it with the new HD. I brought up HDTool box
>Hi ,> and it saw it. I installed it, and set the numbers, such as head and
>Hi ,> cyl. tho what the drive said, rather than what came up in the install
>Hi ,> box. I then went to partition the drive, and it said it was 4.0 gigs,
>Hi ,> but when I partitioned it, it was about twice that big. Anyway, I set
>Hi ,> up the partitions and saved them and had the 1200 reboot. I can hear,
>Hi ,> occationally, the new drive running, but no icons. I went to Sysinfo
>Hi ,> and Opus and it wasn't there either. I brought up HDTool Box again,
>Hi ,> and it was still there. I would like to copy everything from my old
>Hi ,> drive to the new one, and then take the old one out of my system, but
>Hi ,> untill I can see it, that is a problem. Any help would be
>Hi ,> appreciated. Thanks
>Hi ,>
>Hi ,> Auf Wienerschnitzel
>Hi , Regards
>Hi ,
>Hi , First, they are not going to give you a drive that is
>Hi , twice the size as marked, that should have been the first clue.
>Hi ,
>Hi , Use the *V3.1* HDToolbox & set up the drive type with that first.
>Hi ,
>Hi , DO NOT Use the v3.5 one, it has trouble in that area.
>Hi ,
>Hi , Just establish the drive type & save,
>Hi , then do the partitioning with the new one.
>Hi ,
>Hi , Don't forget:
>Hi , Update the filesystem to 45.1
>Hi , Set the MaxTransfer to: 0x001fe00
>Hi , Set the Block size to 1024...
>Hi ,
>Hi ,
>Hi , PS: Ignore the drive config numbers with v3.1 HDToolbox
>Hi , if the drive is bigger than 4 gig. (they will be nonsence)
>Hi ,
>Hi , -------------------------------------
>Hi , Colin Wenzel. Australia.
>Hi ,
>Hi , EMAIL:
>Hi , URL:
>Hi , ICQ: 17608330
>Hi , AMIGA: 4000T, 68060/50, 150Mb RAM,
>Hi , OS 3.5, EGS Spectrum.
>Hi , ---------------------------------------
>Hi ,
>Hi ,
>Hi , ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>Hi , Best friends, most artistic, class clown Find 'em here:
>Hi ,
>Hi , ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>Hi ,
>Hi ,
>Hi ,


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